Under a Shroud of Secrecy and Security, ALEC Conference Gets Underway
An insider's account of what goes on behind closed doors at ALEC.
An insider's account of what goes on behind closed doors at ALEC.
Asking EPI to do a "study" of the minimum wage is like asking the National Rifle Association to look into the advantages of gun control or hiring Donald Trump to examine the pros and cons of Mexican immigration.
Paul Ryan has been working feverishly this week to secure support for Trade Promotional Authority, under which Congress would grant to President Obama so-called “fast-track” authority.
As the University of Hawai`i was cozying up to GMO giant Monsanto, one of the school’s professors says that he was forced to tolerate a climate of “bigotry, retaliation and hostility” for speaking out about the potential risks of genetic engineering. The university disputes his charges.
If you're a regular on the protest circuit, there's a pretty good chance that you've been sized up in what the cops call "threat assessment."
Unless you’re Canadian, or live in Canada, or for some mind-boggling reason follow Canadian politics from beyond its border, you’ve probably never heard of the NDP, the New Democratic Party.
The clowns of the climate denial travelling circus pitched their tent in Vatican City today to demand Pope Francis ignore the dangers of global warming.
Does the phrase "climate change" adequately convey the devastating consequences of human-caused changes to our planet's climate?
When most of us lose an argument, or an election, there is a tendency to lash out in spite--and an equal tendency on the part of media to expect that any lawsuit after losing an election will just be sour grapes.
When the dust settles from the NCAA tournament's biggest battle, one group of winners will emerge with unimaginable spoils while others come away empty-handed.
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