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The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States. We are happy to announce that the Nation is celebrating its 150th Anniversary with a series of events right here in Madison!
Wednesday, April 29, 7 pm: Sundance Theatre. Midwestern premier of Oscar-winner Barbara Kopple’s documentary, Hot Type: 150 Years of The Nation. Madison's own John Nichols stars in the film, and will be there with CMD's LIsa Graves. Tickets and more information at
Thursday, April 30, 4 pm: Museum of Contemporary Art on State Street. Civil Rights in an Age of Extremism: a discussion about race, policing, immigration, and other modern-day civil rights issues with Gary Younge, Representative Mandela Barnes, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, M Adams, and John Nichols. Admission is free. More information on the Facebook event page.
Thursday, April 30, 7 pm: CMD's own Mary Bottari will be a featured speaker at the Monona Terrace evening event along with Nation publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel, John Nichols, State Representative Mandela Barnes, Nation & Guardian correspondent Gary Younge, and many others. It's free -- bring your friends! More information at
Friday, May 1, 6 pm: Spring Green, WI. Reading and discussion of D.D. Guttenplan's new paperback, The Nation: A Biography. Featuring Katrina vanden Heuvel and John Nichols. Signing and reception to follow. Admission is free. Visit for more information
Friday, May 1, 8 pm: Spring Green. Special screening of Hot Type: 150 Years of The Nation at the Gard Theater, with an introduction from Katrina vanden Heuvel and John Nichols. More info and tickets at:
For a complete lineup of anniversary events in 12 cities across the country, please visit