Exxon Illegally Funded ALEC Under Tillerson's Tenure, CMD Tells Committee
Written Statement of Lisa Graves on Behalf of the Center for Media and Democracy Submitted to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Written Statement of Lisa Graves on Behalf of the Center for Media and Democracy Submitted to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Written statement of Lisa Graves on behalf of the Center for Media and Democracy submitted to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary.
Trump's choice to be America's top diplomat, Rex Tillerson, has used Exxon's profits to fuel climate change denial and obstruction through ALEC. And he's close to Putin...
Billionaire Betsy DeVos, a major GOP funder and party activist from Michigan, has been tapped by Donald Trump to become the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education next year.
Groups backing Ron Johnson are unleashing a multi-million dollar attack on Russ Feingold as race enters final days.
CMD follows the Koch trails in the documents.
The Independent Women's Voice touts its "independent" brand in reaching potential voters. But is it even women's voices it is throwing? Let alone independent women?
The Independent Women's Forum and Independent Women's Voice are not-so independent according to a new investigation by CMD ... about how they sell right-wing policies and candidates under the guise of neutrality.
Will the U.S. Supreme Court take a hard look at conflicted Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling shutting down the criminal investigation surrounding Scott Walker and groups orchestrated by his campaign team?
As Congress considers major criminal justice reforms, the Koch machine is pushing privatization schemes and changes to the law that would benefit Koch Industries and other corporations by limiting their criminal liability.
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