Judge Gags Weblinks to Leaked Eli Lilly Documents
Submitted by Bob Burton on
Federal district Judge Jack B.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
Federal district Judge Jack B.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
A survey of 39,090 patients and 335 primary-care physicians reveals the power of direct-to-consumer advertising of drugs.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
Three doctors warn of an epidemic of medical diagnoses fostered by the "medicalization of everyday life", improvements in medical technology and an increasing emphasis on identifying those at 'risk' of a disease. "Perhaps most worrisome is the medicalization of childhood. If children cough after exercising, they have asthma; if they have trouble reading, they are dyslexic; if they are unhappy, they are depressed; and if they alternate between unhappiness and liveliness, they have bipolar disorder.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
In November, the New England Journal of Medicine pulled an opinion column by Dr. Robert Steinbrook that was critical of ties between the National Kidney Foundation and drug companies.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
According to internal marketing documents, "Eli Lilly encouraged primary care physicians to use Zyprexa, a powerful drug for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in patients who did not have either condition." Under U.S. law, companies can't promote "prescription drugs for conditions for which they have not been approved ...
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
The U.S.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
A doctor who featured in the PR plans of the drug company GlaxoSmithKline has been appointed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to a committee reviewing possible links between anti-depressant drugs and suicidality. In December 2004, internal GlaxoSmithKline documents revealed that Dr.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
The chief of the geriatric psychiatry branch of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Pearson Sunderland III, has pleaded guilty to accepting approximately $300,000 in undisclosed fees and expenses from Pfizer between 1997 and 2004. The NIMH is a part of the U.S. government's National Institutes of Health (NIH), which conducts and funds medical research projects.
Submitted by Jonathan Rosenblum on
Public health charities are under intense pressure from potential or ongoing commercial sponsors to boost their budgets with product promotion schemes. For example, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) currently has a $1.5 million sponsorship deal with Cadbury Schweppes, maker of Dr. Pepper and the Cadbury Creme egg.
Submitted by Jonathan Rosenblum on
Negotiators representing Big Pharma and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are close to a deal on raising fees paid by industry to speed up reviews of direct-to-consumer advertising. A spokesperson for the trade group BioCentury said that the FDA is seeking to raise about $6.2 million per year, putting individual application review fees at about $41,000.
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