Bradley Foundation Funds Web of Climate Change Deniers
Bradley Foundation internal documents reveal a concerted effort by the organization to delegitimize climate science, while promoting fossil fuel energy development in the United States.
Bradley Foundation internal documents reveal a concerted effort by the organization to delegitimize climate science, while promoting fossil fuel energy development in the United States.
A state bill that would ban cities and counties from requiring dark money groups to disclose their donors is moving rapidly through the Arizona state legislature.
The Roman god Janus was known for having two faces. It is a fitting name for the U.S. Supreme Court case scheduled for oral arguments February 26.
CMD uncovers that Faisal Khan's Project Six is funded almost totally by the Illinois Policy Institute.
The fracking lobby will host its annual “Congressional Call-Up” event at the Trump International Hotel in March.
Bradley grants push a far-right ideological agenda in dozens of areas impacting broad swaths of civil society.
Documents reveal ALEC's sister organization hopes to deal a "mortal blow" to unions and put an end to progressive politics.
The decline of the Franklin Center is a blow to efforts by right-wing funders to develop state capitol media sites to compliment right-wing news sites covering politics in Washington, D.C., such as Breitbart News.
"Richard Berman is a go-to hire for corporate bullies."
An $835 million "charitable foundation" stacks the deck in favor of the Republican Party.
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