Iraqi Kurds Seek U.S. Influence, Get Pro-War Help
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"In the past year, the [Iraqi] Kurds have spent more than $3 million to retain lobbyists and set up a diplomatic office in Washington," writes Rajiv Chandrasekaran.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"In the past year, the [Iraqi] Kurds have spent more than $3 million to retain lobbyists and set up a diplomatic office in Washington," writes Rajiv Chandrasekaran.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Gen. David Petraeus, "the top U.S. commander in Iraq, has asked for changes that would allow" the blending of public affairs -- the military's truth-telling function -- with "information operations," or propaganda. In response, Pentagon officials are reconsidering 2004 guidelines drafted by Gen. Richard Myers, which directed that the two be separate.
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
The Washington Post will close its Toronto bureau this summer, and with it, end direct coverage of Canadian issues by American newspaper correspondents. Permanent bureaus will be replaced by wire services, contract writers, freelancers and reporters deployed to cover specific events.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
For one year, Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein has been "held at a prison camp in Iraq by U.S. military officials who have neither formally charged him with a crime nor made public any evidence of wrongdoing," AP reports.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
"It's no secret that the period of time between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq represents one of the greatest collapses in the history of the American media," observes Gary Kamiya. "Why did the media fail so disastrously in its response to the biggest issue of a generation? To answer this, we need to look at three broad, interrelated areas, which I have called psychological, institutional and ideological.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
In addition to the 3,200 U.S. soldiers who have died in Iraq, notes Howard Witt, "More than 770 civilians working for U.S. firms have lost their lives supporting the military in Iraq, and some families are now speaking out." Family members are complaining that companies like KBR/Halliburton have placed their workers in harm's way in Iraq without adequate protection and that their own financial and psychological hardships have been ignored.
Submitted by John Stauber on
Alternet's Don Hazen interviews the founders of MoveOn. He writes, "For the first time ... members of Congress -- at least the new Democratic majority, along with a handful of Republicans -- finally caught up with the population" and "confronted Bush over the financing of the war and a real timeline for ending it. ... The ability to win this first victory was difficult and complex. It was achieved in part with the energetic and savvy support of millions of progressives and particularly ...
Submitted by John Stauber on
It was Sarah Olson's reporting on military opposition to the war in Iraq that made her a target of an Army subpoena. That hasn't deterred her from continuing to report on the subject.
Submitted by Bob Burton on
In early March, George W. Bush announced the creation of the President's Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors as a way of ending controversy over substandard treatment of injured U.S. personnel at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
A bill calling for the 2008 withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq is now one step closer to reaching President Bush’s desk.
On Tuesday, the Senate rejected a Republican-backed amendment to strip a timeline for withdrawal from a $122 billion supplemental spending bill, 48-50. Democrats were joined in opposing the amendment by two Republicans, Sens. Chuck Hagel (Neb.) and Gordon Smith (Ore.). One Democrat, Sen. Mark Pryor (Ark.), sided with the remaining Republicans and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) in supporting the amendment. Hagel and Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), both of whom supported keeping the withdrawal timeline in the spending bill, had just two weeks ago opposed a separate Senate resolution calling for an identical timetable.
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